Thursday, February 14, 2008

Loving My wife

As I told you in an earlier blog we are watching a video by Andy Stanley called IMarriage. It has been very good. This past week he spent a good portion of his message talking about how I should love my wife. It comes out of Ephesians 5 where Paul encourages husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church. So how did Christ love the church? He left all of heaven and its’ luxuries to be with us. He came to earth lived with us and died on a cross for our sins even though he was sinless. Through this He gave us the greatest picture of grace ever given. He did all this and still gives us the choice to choose Him or not. No strings attached. Even though He has every right to force us to love and worship Him. He doesn’t. He still loves us and wants us to receive His grace. His love for us is unconditional.

In return I need to treat Laurie the same way. Unconditionally with no strings attached. I should desire to help her grow in Christ so that she becomes the woman she needs to be. There are times I put unwanted expectations on her but God is teaching me not to do this. Happy Valentine’s Day!!

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