Wednesday, May 25, 2016

10 Ways to Make your Bible Reading More Effective

At our church we have been looking at Acts 2:42 - All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer. Too often we jump right to the things we must do but we stopped at be devoted. Devotion is a huge word in the Christian faith because without any devotion we are just showing up. We must be devoted to these things so that they can change our lives in a huge way. 
This past week we looked at “they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching.”  This church was committed to learning from the truth that was given to them through the apostle. We should be committed to the truth we learn from the Word of God and through those who teach us whether it be our pastor or Sunday school teacher or Life Group leader. We need it all to grow in faith but we must be students of the Word also. So here are some ways that can help you in your own personal study.  

1) Pick a time and place
I know with our busy schedule sticking to the same time and place daily will be a challenge but it can be done. Find a time and place where you can be alone and not be distracted. By doing this you will be able to get it done efficiently.

2) Find a Bible you like
Right translation and size of print are important. Go to your local Christian bookstore and look through each Bible. The key is to find a version that you can read and understand so that you can grow.  You will find it if you look.

3) Plan how you are going to read
You can find a reading plan or make up your own. They key is to have a plan. Be systematic in your reading. Reading through a whole book is a great way to learn and grow in your faith.

4) Read at own pace
Read so that you are not overwhelmed and so that you can comprehend what you are reading.  Even if you use someone else’s plan still read at your own pace.

5) Pray before you read the Word of God
Pray a prayer like this: Holy Spirt reveal yourself to me today through my reading of your Word!!

6) Ask good questions while you read
You can ask as many as you want but I like keeping it simple. So I recommend three questions to ask.  What did it mean to those who heard it first?  What is the underlying timeless principle/truth?   Where or how could I apply to my life this principle/truth?

7) Write down what you are learning
Journaling is a key to helping us learn and to show where we have come from. We all retain more when we write it down. Just write down the 3 questions each time you read and answer them. With the questions you put the date and scripture you read.

8) Websites that can help,  There are many more you can find that will help you in your understanding of the Bible.

9) Bible Apps
I like youversion which is maintained by Life Church whose pastor is Craig Groeschel and the Bible in One Year. Nicky Gumbel has produced this app who also created the Alpha Program.

10) Just DO IT

The only way you will move forward in faith is to start or continue today. I am praying you will.