Saturday, October 25, 2008

Church is not for spectators, WHY?

If you go through scripture you will see that to be a part of a movement you have to move. Jonah had to go to Nineveh, Jonathon and his armor bearer had to climb the hill (1 Samuel 14&15), David had to go get the stones and put them in his sling(1 Samuel 17), Matthew had to get up and leave his post to follow (Matthew 9), Peter had to get out of the boat to be with Jesus (Matthew 14), and Jesus left all of heaven to come and redeem us (the Bible).

I don’t think there is any place in scripture where it says to watch others do something for the Lord. We all must get involved somewhere and do something in the name of the Most High. If we sit still we become stagnate just like when water stops moving. Too many people in the church have become spectators. Spectators are good observers but they are not involved in the game they just watch others. Spectators are good at complaining but they can’t do anything about it. They say things like… that coach made the wrong call, those players are not playing hard enough or those uniforms are ugly. The truth is that most spectators couldn’t get into the game because they are out shape and usually haven’t played the game. In the church it can be the same. Spectators love to complain and really don’t want to do anything about it. When people become spectators their attitude changes because they are not involved. Many more need to get involved instead of watching. Become involved and you will get a new perspective. Too often they are afraid of risking getting into the game and would rather talk about it. Lord, help me to not just complain but get involved and make a difference.